The church in Africa is under-resourced
making it vulnerable to the threat of false teaching.




Nairobi Institute of Reformed Theology (NIRT)
N.I.R.T. was started in response to numerous requests by local pastors and churches asking for rigorous graduate-level theological training that would be theologically orthodox, Reformed and that could be accessed without leaving East Africa. We offer a three-year MDiv-level program.
NIRT’s long-term vision is to raise up an indigenous leadership and faculty.
Our Courses
Hebrew & Greek, New & Old Testament,Church History and more..
Equipping pastors to faithfully
proclaim the Truth and establish
healthy churches!
SOMA is an informal theological training curriculum built on Cohort learning and Socratic discussion. The program aims to equip pastors with essential knowledge and skills for faithful ministry. The word ‘Soma’ in Greek denotes ‘body’ whereas in Swahili, the lingua franca of East Africa, it means ‘study’.
SOMA is an informal theological training curriculum built on Cohort learning and Socratic discussion. The program aims to equip pastors with essential knowledge and skills for faithful ministry. The word ‘Soma’ in Greek denotes ‘body’ whereas in Swahili, the lingua franca of East Africa, it means ‘study’.
Making biblical resources available, affordable and accessible.
One of Ekklesia Afrika’s goals is to publish African authors who will produce sound biblical content aimed at addressing challenges facing churches in Africa
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